students and young working professionals. Middle/Upper income folks who are willing to pay a bit more for a better user experience are also targeted.
People who like to have fun with technology. This includes people who like to shoot a lot of digital photos or video. It's the whole digital hub concept. People are starting to buy into it.
Music enthusiasts and fans ages 12-35 and professionals in media and design.
The first two groups do overlap, but it's a huge market.
To further break this down Apple has a target market of college and university students are also targeted by Apple Inc. These students use Apple Inc. products such as iPad's, MacBook's, iPhone's etc to quickly record notes. These notes are kept organized in their devices. Also these products are light which makes carrying devices to and from school much easier.
Apple Inc. also targets health enthusiasts. The company now makes the health app one of the core features in their previous and latest releases on their devices.