Sunday, October 5, 2014

Blog 4: The Marketing Environment

 The Marketing Environment 

What is the marketing environment? Basically it is all of the outside factors of marketing the affect the team's ability to develop and maintain successful customer relationships with their targeted customer group

Apple a well established brand that it is must be able to adapt to the ever changing marketing environment and throughout their existence they've continued to do so. 

An evidence of this of the release of the iPhone 5C last year.

The company introduced the phone to a specific target market; teenagers. The phone was debuted at the price of which previous iPhones would be when new ones were introduced. They 'splashed' multiple vibrant colours on the phone as seen in the above image in an attempt to attract the teen population. Each individual now has the opportunity to pick a colour that best complements them.

As mentioned in my previous blog post, Apple introduced iPhones which bigger screens. Having to conform with this generation specifics needs of having a larger phone screen they had no choice but to do it. While everyone may be 'following the crowd', majority rules. Apple did not forget but those consumers, one of the two phones they introduced had a smaller phone screen. Its a 'win win' for the company. Also the products are directed to existing Apple customers, individuals whose lives evolves around the uses of a cellphone, banks and major retail providers.

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